Most comfortable dog harness

Most comfortable dog harness

Dog harnesses come in many different shapes and sizes. What works for one dog might not always work as well for another pooch and their owner. Over time the different styles of dog harnesses have evolved on the market, leading to some of the most comfortable dog harnesses ever being made for today’s lucky pooches.

There are many considerations to make before you buy a new dog harness. Australia’s gorgeous great outdoors mean that you’ll be out walking your dog quite often, so it’s important you do your research into the most comfortable dog harnesses and get it right when shopping for a new one.

What to think about when buying a new dog harness

 Below are a few important things to consider before you buy a new harness for your pooch.

  • Safety – keeping your dog safe on his or her daily walks is a must. Whether you need a harness to give you a little more control over a larger dog or you have a small dog which finds wearing a harness more comfortable than a traditional collar, ensuring your harness is adjustable to your dogs’ unique size and shape is vital to keep him or her safe.
  • Comfort – the most comfortable dog harnesses are made from soft materials that won’t rub your furry friend under his arms or legs to ensure he or she is happy and healthy on walks. It’s important to think about the areas your dog might need some extra support and adjustment to fit their unique shape. Some breeds benefit from an adjustable chest strap, allowing the harness to sit further back when needed, whereas other dogs don’t need that extra space as much. 
  • Price – a good dog harness is a great investment for you and your pet but it doesn’t mean you need to pay over the odds for one. Finding one that’s reasonably priced and fits your dog well is more important than spending too much or worse - getting a cheap harness which doesn’t work correctly or isn’t long-lasting.
  • Style – while a dog harness is important for your dog’s safety it doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice style. With so many different colours and fabrics available today you can choose a stylish harness for your dog, without it having to break the bank. There are stylish options, such as the ones available at Dog Friendly Co, which you can personalise with your dog’s name or a phone number.
  • Breed – it’s recommended that short nosed breeds wear a harness over a traditional collar and dog leash. This is because their breathing can be compromised with a collar if they pull on the lead so if you own a short nosed pet, such as a French Bulldog or a Pug, it’s important to invest in a harness for walkies as soon as possible.

Dog harness checklist

Finding the most comfortable harness for your pet can be a case of trial and error if you don’t know what to look for. Below we’ve rounded up some of the features you need to keep an eye out for when looking for a new dog harness to make the process easy for you when the time comes to buy one.

  • Durability – a metal D ring attachment offers the ultimate security and means you’re safe in the knowledge your dog is safely on the leash. They also make it super handy for you to pick up your dog if he or she is small. Soft washable materials also mean you can pop your harness in the wash after sandy walks and it can be worn time and time again.
  • Comfort- A comfortable harness is made using soft polyester webbing which makes the harness lightweight and cosier on your dog’s skin and fur without sacrificing strength and durability. This will prevent any rubbing or discomfort which some harnesses can causes if they are made from a scratchy material.
  • Adjustability – adjustable features mean you can alter how tight or loose your dog harness is. This is important for as your dog grows that he/she still is comfortable in the harness but also means that you can change it depending on the type of walk you’re heading on. Walks in quieter locations might mean you need less control over your pooch on the lead, whereas busier coastal routes might require a little more control from you.
  • Weatherproof – most pet owners walk their dog come rain or shine so it’s important to make sure the harness you choose can survive a downpour. Look out for waterproof materials that mean if you dog fancies a dip in the sea or you get caught in the rain it won’t be a problem.
  • Visibility – ensuring your dog is noticeable in both daylight and at night time is important for your safety. Look for bright coloured harnesses if you fancy a night-time walk and pair it with a reflective leash for extra visibility.

The Dog friendly Co harness

 All of these reasons above are what make the Dog Friendly Co dog harnesses such a great choice for your pooch. They’re lightweight, available in a range of high visibility colours and made in chafe proof fabrics for the ultimate comfort when on walks of all lengths.

Each harness has been developed with your dog’s safety and comfort in mind. On site you’ll find a huge range of different styles and sizes, with designs to fit a variety of different breeds from French Bulldogs to Labradors and everything in-between.

You can even add a personalised name badge or phone number to your harness for the ultimate peace of mind. Should your pooch get lost, your contact number is on display.


To shop our dog harnesses selection, visit our web page.

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